
The Brooklyn Museum April 12, 2013

On this rainy and chilly April day, students from PC TECH found that the Brooklyn Museum is comfortable and fascinating place to visit.  This beautiful building houses many new exhibits and an extensive permanent collection.


Students often ask about the difference between maybe, may, and might.

Here are some examples of correct usage:

It might rain tomorrow.  Do you have an umbrella.

Maybe my friends will meet me for dinner this evening.

After I finish my master’s degree, I may take a vacation before looking for a job.


For a writing assignment, students were asked to compose imaginary emails to be sent to newspapers.  Here are excerpts from some interesting examples:

From TK:

People who live in New York  have to race in order to spend their lives in this city.  Transportation is very important because everyone needs to shrink time to do anything, but the subway in New York runs slowly and I have to wait a long time.

From Kaori:

A lot of times, I see people smoking and walking.  I don’t think this is good behavior.

Imagine what would happen if a child walked into a cigarette.  It could burn or blind the child.  [Cigarette users] blow smoke in everyone’s face.  They throw away the butts on the sidewalk.

From Lisa:

I love this city.  I love the traffic jams, the crowds in the streets, the subway, the yellow taxis, and the skyline.  But there is one thing that I really hate: the noise of the horns.  People who are driving use their horns without a real reason, sometimes only because the traffic light is red!  …I think that the police have to be more severe and fine the drivers.

 PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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