SEVEN Interesting FACTS about ENGLISH September 26, 2013
SEVEN Interesting FACTS about ENGLISH:
1) Only two English words in current use end in “-gry”. They are “angry” and “hungry”
2) The word “bookkeeper” is the only English word with three consecutive double letters
3) The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet: “Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
4) A word formed by joining together parts of existing words is called a “blend”. Many new words enter the English language in this way. Examples are “brunch” (breakfast + lunch); “motel” (motorcar + hotel); and “guesstimate” (guess + estimate).
5) The shortest complete sentence in English is the following. “I am.”
6) The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is “rhythm”.
7) We can find 10 words in the 7-letter word “therein” without rearranging any of its letters: the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein…
Keep Smiling 🙂
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
More Modal Verbs to Use in Your Conversations September 25, 2013
Taking English courses (ESL) at PC TECH will help you communicate in a very polite way with New Yorkers, using special “helping” verbs called modals. The first set appears in the blog posting of September 4, 2013. Here are some more examples:
Use be supposed to when you expect something to happen: It’s supposed to rain this afternoon, isn’t it?
This modal verb in the past tense expresses an expectation that wasn’t fulfilled: Her plane was supposed to have arrived at 6:00 PM, but it was very late.
Must is used with requirements: The doctor warned me, “You must take your medicine regularly.”
It is used in a negative manner to express something forbidden: You must not walk on the subway tracks!
It can be used to make a statement that would be over 90% true: Julia must be sick, or she would be in class today.
Have to also expresses necessity: You have to practice more often. Have got to is similar, only a little stronger: I have got to get to the supermarket. I don’t have any more food.
Will makes a future statement with 100% certainty: “I’ll [I will] be back.”
You would be willing to do something when you promise, “I will carry your bags for you.”
(Look for even more of these modal verbs in upcoming blogs.)
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
That’s-a interesting! September 24, 2013
Ever wondered what the difference is between The English Language and American English?
The English language is a West Germanic Language that was first spoken in early medieval England. It was brought to the eastern coast (Great Britain) by Germanic settlers. Some of the English words are constructed on the basis of roots of the Latin language. The United Kingdom is the second country with largest English speaking population. With the United States being the first.
Speaking of the United States; American English is a set of dialects of the English language used mostly in the United States. The use of English in the United States is a result of English colonization. English-speaking settlers arriving to North America. First, during the 17th century. Followed by further migrations in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since then, English has dominated the United States. Although, the United States has no official language.
Taking from the famous Italian “Mamma mia, that’s-a spicy meat ball-a!” commercial,– which most people believe to be a pasta commercial (It was actually an Alka-Seltzer commercial) — That’s-a interesting!
Compliments of Wikipedia…. /
Another interesting fact: In Spanish and German, they capitalize the word “you.” In English, we capitalize “I.” But that’s-a whole other story!
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
Diversity at PC Tech September 17, 2013
PC Tech is enriched for so many reasons. Not only for teaching the English Language; but for it’s diversity. 🙂 PC Tech is, and was the home to, I dare say….a VAST majority of different ethnic backgrounds. Harboring those from El Salvador — to Japan! Kazakhstan to Greece. Russia to Nigeria! Etc….
Students here Rave about the people they meet! Friendships they’ve come to receive! And knowledge they have gained at PC Tech. Speaking, not only of the English Language, but of culture, as well. Culture is diversity. And diversity is being who you are. PC Tech oozes diversity. Brings to mind a quote: ”We all Smile in the Same Language.”
PC Tech teaches students from all around the Globe. So, whether you’re:
Prepping up for school…… ☑
Here, on business. ✈
Trying to woe an American… ❤ ♥
Or just for the simple pleasure… ☮
PC Tech is the way to go! ✔ 🙂
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
THE WRITING PROCESS… September 13, 2013
The process approach to writing is ideally suited to the second language learner since listening, speaking, and reading can be so naturally integrated.
Always Pre-write
Pre-writing is essential for the writer whose first language is not English. Especially at the lower levels of proficiency. Therefore, we assist second language students to generate vocabulary and grammatical structures relevant to the topic.
- Brainstorming — depending on the level of language, the writing down of ideas is done by us; followed by providing some guidance by asking questions to elicit vocabulary and structures associated with the selected topic
- Word banks generated by the students or as assigned
- Drawing and sketching — enable students to illustrate ideas for which they do not have the language
- Discussion
- Dictations
- Note-Taking
At the drafting stage students write their ideas down using some of the notes, language, and structures generated during the pre-writing activities. Second language students especially need to be aware that their first draft does not have to be perfect and that the purpose of this activity is to get words on paper. Spelling will often not be accurate and there may be many grammatical errors. Some students may also insert words in their native language.
- Using notes taken during pre-writing activities; especially useful for second language learners whose ideas are restricted by their limited vocabulary
- Sentence completions — may address the different ways to begin or end a paragraph or a story or may focus on vocabulary needed to describe or narrate a story
- Journal writing — allows students to take risks and experiment with language; it can provide a starting point for a longer writing assignment
Second language learners will also need assistance during the revising/editing stage. Changes in writing will need to address word usage and clarification of ideas, as well as grammatical accuracy, punctuation, spelling and capitalization. It is important to remember that second language students may have difficulty recognizing their own errors A self-assessment checklist may help them monitor their own writing. However, In addition, it is important that correction be done in a comfortable environment
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
Remembering 9/11 September 11, 2013
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Students here, at PC Tech, have visited The National September 11 Memorial & Museum; and those who haven’t, — I’m sure would love to.
September, 11 is surely a day that no one will ever forget. A day that marked History. A day that took away. A day that gave us grief. A day that showed us, that Love and Kindness, can help us heal Together. Students here, are talking about a special event taking place tonight, at the World Trade Center Site. There will be two pillars of lights beaming & pointing straight up to the sky near the ground zero site, in honor of the two fallen world trade centers.
For those, who would like to visit The September 11 Memorial & Museum, it is located on Liberty Street of Lower Manhattan. Gone, but never forgotten; PC Tech remembers 9/11 fondly and respectfully.
“The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified.” –Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of NYC
So, today, in addition to mastering the English language, PC Tech will also be practicing kindness.
❤ PC TECH: English Language School in New York City ☮
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Brainy Quotes September 10, 2013
The English Language is nobody’s special property. It is the property of the imagination: It is the property of the language itself.
-Derek Walcott
When English Language gets in my way, I walk over it
-Billy Sunday
My least favorite phrase in the English Language is “I don’t care”
– James Caan
One of the best words in the English Language is “compassion”. It holds everything, it holds love, it holds care.. and if everybody just did something. We all make a difference.
-Michael Crawford
English poetry begins whenever we decide to say the English Language begins, and it extends as far as we decide to say that the English Language extends.
-James Fenton
The difference between a contemporary liberal and a socialist is that to a liberal the most beautiful word in the English Language is “forbidden” where as to a socialist the most beautiful word is “compulsory”
-John MaCcarthy
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
Something is better than Nothing :) September 5, 2013
Let’s shed some light on how “Something is better than nothing.”
How? How can something be better than nothing?
“Better than nothing, I guess”
You want a cup of coffee, but you’ve run out of coffee at home. You make a cup of tea instead, and say this to yourself:
(Something) is better than nothing.
This expression is useful for the following situation:
- There’s something specific which you want.
- You can’t get it.
- You can get something else, which is not as good but is OK.
For example, if you really want some chocolate ice cream, but you don’t have any; you can eat a cookie instead and think:
A cookie is better than nothing.
(Something) is better than nothing.
Now, you are bored and want something to do, but you don’t have anything to do in mind. That’s when you read this blog and learn something new.
Reading and learning is better than doing nothing.
Something is better than nothing 🙂
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
Take an English course at PC TECH and you will learn to communicate in a very polite way with New Yorkers, using special “helping” verbs called modals:
Use may when you make a polite request: May I ask you a question?
This modal verb is also used to grant permission in a rather formal manner: You may leave the room to get a drink of water.
May has a different meaning when it expresses less certainty in answering a question: I’m not sure, but he may be at the store.
Might has almost the same meaning when used this way: …but he might be at the store.
To make an extremely polite request (perhaps in a British style), you could say: Might I borrow your notebook?
Should expresses advisability: You should practice more often.
It can also express near certainty or expectation: You studied hard, so you should do well on the exam.
Ought to and should are similar when advice is given or in expressions of near certainty: You ought to practice more often. They study hard, so they ought to do well on the exam.
Give a warning with had better: You had better study, or you will fail the exam.
(Look for more of these modal verbs in upcoming blogs.)
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
Talk about Education in New York City! September 3, 2013
In addition to learning English at PC Tech, learn History at The Anne Frank Center.
Just a few facts for thought ;):
– The Anne Frank Center is just two train stops away from PC Tech.
– Anne Frank is the Author of one of the world’s most powerful memoirs. She was just one of the over 1 million children who died in the Holocaust.
– Learning history, in addition to learning to learning English, here at PC Tech can be really exciting. Make the most of New York City!
– Admission to the Anne Frank Center is only $8, while students and seniors only pay $5
– Last, but not to say the least, The Anne Frank Center is a Colonized environment. Just like PC Tech. 🙂
The Anne Frank Center: 44 Park Pl New York, NY 10007
(212) 431-7993
PC TECH: English Language School in New York City
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