
Let’s shed some light on how “Something is better than nothing.”

How? How can something be better than nothing?
“Better than nothing, I guess”
You want a cup of coffee, but you’ve run out of coffee at home. You make a cup of tea instead, and say this to yourself:
(Something) is better than nothing.

This expression is useful for the following situation:

  • There’s something specific which you want.
  • You can’t get it.
  • You can get something else, which is not as good but is OK.

For example, if you really want some chocolate ice cream, but you don’t have any; you can eat a cookie instead and think:

A cookie is better than nothing.
(Something) is better than nothing.

Now, you are bored and want something to do, but you don’t have anything to do in mind. That’s when you read this blog and learn something new.
Reading and learning is better than doing nothing.


Something is better than nothing 🙂


PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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