
More about Etiquette May 8, 2013

Students continue their writing about etiquette.

Ana is from Peru:

New York and Lima have different manners of rules [of etiquette].  For example, on Lima’s public transportation, people give their seats to elderly passengers, or to parents with small children, or to pregnant women – more than in New York.

In my city, there is scheduled an hour for people to take their garbage to the street and then the truck picks it up.  Not like here, where the garbage can be all day in the street.

I don’t like it that here some parks have restricted access to people or where dogs can’t enter.

Kaori imagines a dialogue taking place on the streets of New York City:

A:  Excuse me, may I help you?

B:  Oh, thanks.

A:  Are you working around here?

B:  Yes, I’m working in that building.

A:  Wow!  Are you working for Google?  Your company is such a big company.  How’s work going?

B:  We are doing well.  Really busy, though… How about you?  Are you working around here?

A:  No, I got [fired or laid off] a month ago.  I’ve been walking around in the city and asking people for money.

B:  Oh, how’s that going?  Can you make a lot of money?

A:  No way!  But I do get to help people who drop stuff or need directions.  It’s kind of nice and makes me feel good.

B:  You are a good person.  I’m looking for someone to hire.  Are you interested in Google?

A:  I’m sorry, but I’d rather work for Facebook.  I’m going to wait and see if anyone from there drops their papers. 

 PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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