
English Phrasal Verbs 3 February 5, 2014

Here are more examples of phrasal verbs used in American English idioms.  Look through our previous blogs to find more:

“Please call me up when you get some news.”  [Make a phone call]

“Hey calm down, it’s not the end of the world!”  [Relax; take it easy]

“Sorry, I don’t care for hot dogs.”  [Dislike]

“I can’t go out tonight; I have to catch up with my homework.”  [Complete what is not yet finished]

“Make sure you check in at the registration desk before you attend the meeting.”  [Give your name and other information]

“We had to check out of our hotel earlier so we could get to the airport on time.”  [Leave]


“I want to check that restaurant out before we make a reservation.”  [Get information]

Cheer up, Mike, things will get better.”  [Be happy; don’t be so sad]

“She visited the hospital to cheer her friend up.”  [Make someone happier]

“Let’s chip in to buy a birthday gift for the boss.”  [Help to do something]

“I have to clean up my kitchen before I leave today.”  [Make neat or tidy]

“While I was looking through my bag, I came across a picture of my former girlfriend.”  [Unexpectedly found]

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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