
Mood Pizza August 7, 2014

Here is an example of a speaking and writing activity called “Mood Pizza,” used at PC TECH:

Materials:  Each group of students gets a “Mood Pizza” pie.  Each slice of the pie is labeled with an adjective expressing a mood;  for example: happy, sad, afraid, surprised, hopeful, hopeless, etc.

In addition to the pie itself, the students get “toppings” to put on the pie;  for example: frustrated, disappointed, elated, ecstatic, disappointed, astonished, etc.

 Pizza slice

Method:  First, the students select different slices from the pies.  They must tell their story to reflect the mood of their slice.  Next, they write down the story.  Together the students add toppings to their slices that will match the mood of their story.  Next, they must add the topping vocabulary to their story.  Finally, each student reads his or her story out loud and the other students decide if other toppings can be added to the story.

At PC TECH, your teachers will show you similar word games and other exercises to help you improve your English skills.

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City