Okay, so let’s talk about the elephant in the room. We’re still in the middle of a pandemic. It’s unbelievable to think that we’re still navigating this, despite all our scientific and technological advancements towards our healthcare system. Despite all that, we still have to take care of ourselves and how we respond. It makes me sad to see other regions in our country not take this issue seriously, as people are losing their lives as a result. I, for one, am taking all of this as seriously as possible. Even though I’m fully vaccinated, I still wear my mask everywhere I go, I ensure the people I’m with have also been vaccinated, and I’m now getting tested on a weekly basis. We have the resources at our fingertips to follow protocol, so it’s best everyone else do what they can until we officially beat this thing.
With that said, you might be wondering to yourself, “how in the world can you enjoy the city if we might be facing another lockdown in the near future?” As upsetting and frustrating as that reality is, it’s important to remind ourselves that if we do, indeed, go into another lockdown, that at least this time we’re prepared. I’ve rounded up a few ways in which you can either prepare or continue to stay safe if we can avoid another shutdown.
1. Wear your mask
This is so simple, and it frustrates me beyond belief that we still have to remind people of this, but this is the easiest and cheapest way to keep yourself and those around safe – whether you’ve been vaccinated or not. With this new variant going around, we’re obviously still learning about it, so it’s best to just be safe (as opposed to sorry) when it comes to getting around and trying to have some kind of normalcy in your life.
2. Get vaccinated

If you haven’t yet, please do what you can to make your appointment. It’s incredibly easy, it’s free, and there are now places that are offering incentives if you get your shots. The side effects (for most) are minimal, so please, please, please do your part to protect yourself.
3. Stay outdoors

It’s been a tough year of cancellations and postponements, so I certainly don’t want to face more time indoors, so now is the best time to take advantage of the summer weather. If you’re craving that social interaction, grab your friends and hit up the parks or other outdoor spaces that offer plenty of ventilation and fresh air so that you can breathe easily and confidently. When in doubt, also be mindful of how close you are to others. The six-feet rule is still very much a guideline that’s recommended, so continue being mindful of that practice.
4. Learn from our first year
No one wants another lockdown, but if we don’t follow the protocol provided to us, we’ll have to keep facing more restrictions in the future. It was difficult that first year, adjusting to quarantine, not seeing loved ones, working from home in situations that weren’t ideal, and so on. But we made it through, and we started to get a taste of what “normalcy” looked like. As a unit, we need to continue following the rules and being safe to avoid another repeat of 2020. We now know shortcuts that can keep us entertained (binging our favorite feel-good shows, puzzles had a great comeback, and even Zooming with our loved ones filled a hole that we didn’t know we’d have).
Living in New York City during a pandemic hasn’t been easy. We evolved from being one of the worst hot spots in the world to being a model of safety and healthcare following the vaccine roll-out. I’m proud to be a New Yorker, and part of that pride comes from how we handled the pandemic and the treatment of our fellow New Yorkers. We can’t convince every single person to get the vaccine and take the pandemic seriously, but we can continue to do our best to raise awareness of all these options so that we can stay safe and keep our beloved city a safe destination. New York City is a trip for most, but for some, it’s where we call home. Let’s treat it and our fellow New Yorkers with respect so that we can continue to be the model city that we are.