Over the past couple of years, I’ve talked to you all about how wonderful it is living in the greatest city in the world. I’ve gone on and on about how lucky we are that we get to actually live here. Being in a tourist hotspot and in such a densely populated area, however, also comes with its disadvantages. Crime will always be slightly higher than other areas, the threat of international attacks can be ever-present, and as we’ve seen now, pandemics like the one we’re in can hurt our area more than others. As scary as all of this is, at the end of the day, I’m still proud to be a New Yorker, and I’ll never leave.

I have a lot of thoughts and worries and concerns that run through my brain amidst this pandemic. I try my best to not let them overcome me or control my way of life, and when I get particularly down or when my anxiety rises, I try this method of reminding myself of the silver linings – no matter how small they may be. Some of these may be individual, but some are on the macro level, but either way, try to find your own silver linings out of this!
- I’m saving money
Before quarantine was ordered, I’d probably go out to eat at least once a week with friends. It might have been brunch or a happy hour or a dinner, but I’d drop precious money for this experience to bond with my friends or celebrate a milestone. One at time, those expenses didn’t make a great dent, but adding it up certainly made me alarmed. Since we’re not going out to these establishments, I’m saving precious money! And now that we all “get together” on Zoom, I still get to see them and laugh with them – without spending a dime!
- My student loans are in a better place
I don’t know about you, but my student loans have been a huge burden to me over the years. Between drastic monthly payments, steep interest rates, and the thought about how long it’ll take me to pay them off, they have always been a source of agony for me. Now that student loan payment are deferred and interest is waived, all on my payments are going straight to the principle amount, meaning that I’m going to be able to pay them off faster. For me personally, this is a HUGE silver lining.
- I’ve grown closer to my family
In an odd way, this pandemic has brought me closer with my family. We’re all spread out across the country, so seeing everyone in a normal world was hard enough – between coordinating busy schedules and managing different time zones, it was always an obstacle staying in touch. Now that life has forced everyone to slow down, I’ve found that we’re all talking to each other more, scheduling more FaceTime conversations and Zoom calls, and making promises to be better about visits when this is all over. In an odd way, this pandemic has reminded us all of how precious our connections are.
- I’m more productive
On one hand, I’ve certainly been spending more time with Netflix, puzzles, and comfort food (hello, pasta and frozen pizzas), but on the other hand, I’ve found myself to be more productive. Before quarantine, I always heard myself saying, “If I just had more time, I’d be able to do that.” Well – we certainly have the time now, don’t we? I’ve organized my apartment, moved furniture around to make it more functional, and I’ve finally gotten around to putting things on my walls. I’ve catered to hobbies that have taken a backseat (reading, long-term planning, reconnecting with friends), and I’ve appreciated how I’m sleeping better, too.
Your own personal situation will determine what your own silver linings are, but I’ve found this practice to be super humbling and helpful whenever I get overwhelmed about our current environment. I’ve also seen people talk about how this is all so helpful for the earth – less people out and about polluting, less car traffic, and definitely less noise pollution. That’s one that I often think about, too – it’s the rest that Mother Earth has needed for so long!
When people are succumbing to this disease, it can be hard to find the positivity out of all of this, and it might even feel uncomfortable to look for the silver linings when others are suffering. If you need help getting through the day-to-day, it can be powerful to think about those silver linings – just a pleasant reminder of the reality that we’re still alive.