It’s been quite a year – one that no one would have seen coming. We saw so much tragedy – from jobs and industries being sacrificed to thousands of lives lost, we witnessed one of the hardest years that our world has ever seen. In the midst of that, we witnessed social injustice and political division. We had to connect with loved ones over a screen and had to cancel momentous events for the safety of others.
Amidst all of this, we’re seeing some silver linings and some hope. Because of the devastation that 2020 brought, we saw how mental health became a national priority. Our country is working on removing the stigma around needing mental and emotional help. We’re asking each other how we’re doing, and we’re actually listening. We’re helping each other – and we’re helping each other get help.
Additionally, we’re seeing a glimpse of what our future might look like, thanks to the vaccine roll-out, happening all over the city. We’re helping our seniors and immunocompromised loved ones get taken care of first, allowing them to receive the protection that they need the most. We’re watching our friends share their vaccination cards proudly, showing us their stickers and band aids. We’re seeing diagnosis rates go down – all at a time when I think we need this hope the most.
Because of these vaccinations and more and more people staying protected, we’re seeing other areas of hope:
- People are reconnecting with one another

Even though it’s still strongly encouraged to be safe and smart when gathering with loved ones, the ease of doing so is drastically better. People are visiting their grandparents and loved ones that were previously hyper-protected from the outside world. Friends and family are gathering (still safely) to reconnect with one another and catch up on lost time that FaceTime was previously helping with.
- Travel restrictions are lifting
We’re seeing that bans and guidelines are being loosened, allowing people to take those trips to visit loved ones, travel, and get out of their regular surroundings. The travel industry will likely recover drastically once these are lifted even more, improving our economy and the ways in which we connect with one another.
- Spring and summer might feel a little normal

In any given year when there isn’t a pandemic, the early days of spring typically bring in so much hope and positive feelings – but this spring, those early days of sunshine and nice weather are just hitting a bit differently. Those daily walks outside are so much more meaningful, especially after the darkest winter that the city has probably had in years. It probably feels like we’re seeing hope and feeling just by embracing the warm weather and the knowledge that the worst of this pandemic is likely behind us.
- Hope for rebuilding and healing
Because we’re seeing some light at the end of the tunnel and the idea that the worst is over, we’re thinking about all the ways that our world and lives will improve. There are so many industries that are going to have the chance to rebuild and recover, like travel and dining. I have another prediction that we’re going to be just a little bit nicer to one another – because we all experienced this unique time together, the pandemic has oddly united us in so many ways. We’re going to be more cognizant about our mental health and the ways in which we’re taking care of ourselves.
Celebration isn’t celebration without the recognition of hardship. It’s similar to the idea that we can’t appreciate the rainbow without the rain. We’ve overcome and sacrificed a lot to get to this point. We’re still some ways away from what could be considered “normal” again, but we’re making tremendous progress and movement to better days. It’s crucial that we still practice safety and distancing when we can, just due to our knowledge of variants and others not being vaccinated just yet. We’ll only keep on this path of improvement if we continue to maintain using common sense and listening to science.
In the meantime, I urge all of you get outside as much as you can! Hit those parks and take walks along the water. Keep asking your loved ones how they’re doing and reaching out to those that might need your help. Keep wearing your mask and using sanitizer when you can – the more diligent we can continue to be, the faster we’ll beat this and move on from this pandemic.