As we just hit the six-month mark of living in a pandemic, I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on how much has changed in this short period. I joke with my coworkers how this whole journey has essentially felt like one long day, almost as if time simply doesn’t exist anymore. The punctuations of our days have been muted, and even my levels of productivity often feel lower than I remember. I live in a studio here in Manhattan, which means that my working space is in the same space as where I sleep, eat, and relax (at least try to). This has affected my outlook on my routines for sure, as the lines of my professional life have blurred with those of my personal life and vice versa. There are advantages to this, and of course, disadvantages.
No one knew that we would still be “in this” for this long. And once we all realized that this pandemic was not going to be short-term, I think we’ve all braced ourselves for the realities of our future and what those look like. A lot of my friends and colleagues have left the city for the freedom and open spaces of suburbia where their families live. I’ve chosen to stick around – I love being in the city, no matter how different or eerie it feels. I’m proud of how resilient us New Yorkers have been, and I’m even more proud at how we went from being the epicenter of the virus just months ago to the model of protocol and following safety procedures.
As our days in New York City continue, and as we face a very uncertain fall and winter due to flu season and colder temperatures, we still have plenty to look forward to here in the Big Apple. As long as we continue to practice our physical distancing and wearing a mask and simply just using our heads, we can still enjoy this amazing city to best of our abilities. And if you’re looking for ways to keep your English skills fresh and your practices sharp, there are still a ton of ways to put all of that to use as you enjoy New York City.
1. Stay fit and focused

As New Yorkers, we actually have quite a few options at our fingertips when it comes to staying active and in shape. When my gym closed in March, I had to adapt to new practices with what I had in my apartment – and finding the motivation was part of that new habit, too! On the warmer days, I did my best to do runs outside by the river or through parks just to get a change of scenery. It wasn’t awesome wearing a mask the whole time, but I got used to it. I also downloaded a ton of fitness apps to keep me motivated by activating reminders and establishing routine, which was super helpful. Now that gyms are open in the city but with heavy restrictions, you might be wondering what’s best for you. For me, I opted to continue down my own practices – not only has this helped me save money, but I also ultimately feel that it’s safer no matter what. At the end of the day, it’s up to you, but be sure to think about safety as one of your primary thought processes. If you’re looking for ways to keep you English practice fresh, so many of these apps are interactive, so you’ll be sure to keep your listening and comprehending skills sharp.
2. Outdoor and indoor dining
As our weather changes in the coming months, we’ll start to see some changes around how we’re operating both indoors and outdoors for dining. I keep seeing the dates change here, but more than anything, I recommend approaching the coming months with an open and flexible mind. So much of what we do next needs to be reactive so that we know how to move forward as safely as possible. In the meantime, enjoy the outdoor dining while we still have it, and if the day comes when we can move indoors, continue to use your best instincts to protect yourself and those around you. As always, interacting with the menus and the waitstaff is the best way to keep your English skills practiced and up-to-speed. Be sure to also support your local businesses by ordering take-out while you’re quarantining – they need our help, too!