The difference between the I-20 and the Student Visa

An I-20 is essential to apply for a visa, not the F-1 student visa itself.
The I-20 leads to an entrance admission provided by educational institutions, granted by the U. S. government. It is filled in with the subject of study and the duration of the course.
An I-20 is the precondition to apply for a student visa to the U. S. Embassy.
The duration of an I-20 does not necessarily correspond with the duration of a student visa.

A person may say, "My I-20 has expired, but my student visa’s period is still legal." In the event that a I-20’s duration is expired and more than 60 days have passed, a continued stay is illegal even if the F-1 student visa is still legal.

∗60 days after the final day of a I-20 is referred to as a grace period. During this period, a student must make a choice of leaving the U.S.A or transferring to another school.
With New York English Academy, if you want to extend the length of your program, you must apply for and extend the I-20 duration before the completion of the program in your school.

On the other hand, as far as the period of the I-20 is kept valid, it is legal to stay even if the period of the F-1 student visa has expired. In the event of the departure from the U.S.A after the student visa is expired, a new visa is required to reenter the U.S.A.

A student studying abroad with an F-1 visa has to check the validity of his/her I-20 more than that of a student visa.

The mistake of keeping the I-20 in one’s suitcase upon entering the U.S.A sometimes occurs. The I-20 has to be handed over with a visa to the immigration officer as part of the entry procedure. You must never fail to have your I-20 on your person when going abroad.

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