
Idioms & Phrases November 12, 2013

An idiom is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning, due to its common usage.  There are estimated to be at least 25,000 idiomatic expressions in the English language. Here are a few popular English language idioms (phrases).


a blessing in disguise Definition: Something good that isn’t recognized at first

a breath of fresh air Definition: said about a new, fresh, and imaginative approach, a change that feels good.

a little bird told me Definition: said when you don’t want reveal the source of your information.

age before beauty Definition: A phrase said to allow older people to go before younger ones. Now most often used humorously or lightheartedly, and usually said by a younger person to an older friend or relative out of mock pity for being so much older and unattractive.

all ears Definition: Listening intently; fully focused or awaiting an explanation.

a piece of cake Definition: A task that can be accomplished very easily.

apple of somebody’s eye Definition: said about someone whom you love the most and you are very proud of.

for all I care Definition: used to suggest that you don’t care.

under the weather Definition: Feeling ill or sick.

wear your heart on your sleeve Definition: to display one’s feelings openly.


PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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