
English Phrasal Verbs June 4, 2014

English uses many phrasal verbs to express various activities and feelings.  You can find many more in previous blog posts, and we will be publishing even more.  We invite you to PC TECH to learn these and many more:

“It’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella, so I guess I will have to go without one.”  [Not possess]

“She had a close friend in college, but they grew apart because they had not seen each other for a long time.”  [Stopped their friendship]

“His hair grew back very quickly after his surgery.”  [Returned to normal]

“The child said, ‘When I grow up, I want to be President.’”  [Mature]

“Teenagers can grow out of their clothes very fast.”  [Become too big for]

“I know your coat is a little large, but you will grow into it within a year.” [Become bigger]


“Parents who like to cook often hand down their recipes to their children. ”  [Give to the younger generation]

“Please make sure that your name is on your homework when you hand it in.”  [Submit it]

“Would you please hand out these papers to the other students?”  [Distribute]

“At the airport, you must hand over your passport for the officials to check.” [Give]

“Yes, English grammar can be difficult, but hang in there and you will soon learn it. [Be patient] 

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City



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