
English Phrasal Verbs 7 February 26, 2014

This is the seventh in our list of phrasal verb examples that you would learn in PC TECH classes.  Look through our previous blogs to read more:

“Do you get along with your boss?”  [Like; cooperate with]

“We are all getting on in years.”  [Becoming older]

“I don’t get around much anymore.”  [Travel; move locally]

“You should get away for a few days.”  [Take a break or vacation]

“He will never get away with lying.”  [Do something or act in a way and remain without being caught or noticed]

“Please get that back to me when you have finished.” [Return]

“When we were children, my brother got even with me for taking his favorite toy.”  [Take  revenge]


“I want to get back into painting.”  [Resume an interesting activity]

“You can get on the bus at the next corner.”  [Enter; board]

“Have you gotten over your cold?”  [Recovered from]

“I think you are too worried about that little problem.  Get over it.”  [Don’t think about it anymore]

“I will finish reading that book when I get around to it.” [Find the time]

“Let’s get together Friday evening.” [Meet, usually for an informal occasion]

“You should get up earlier if you are often late for work.” [Rise from bed]

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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