
Do you get angry easily when you drive a car, or are you a safe driver?   “Road rage” and related issues make lively topics of discussion in Level 1.  Students are also  learning to complete a story about driving practices using the simple past or past progressive tense.

Healthy and unhealthy lifestyles are currently being compared and contrasted in Level  2 discussions:   What is “junk food”?   What is meant by “side effects” of certain medicines?  What kinds of food are fattening?

In Level 3 English learners have been using various quantifiers with count and non-count nouns:  some, enough, a lot of, (a) few, several, many, much, (a) little, a great deal.  These expressions are useful in discussing topics such as simplicity in life, consumption habits, urban homesteading, fossil fuels.

Parents with school-age children often struggle to get their kids to do homework.  The Level 4 class has been chatting about the history of homework in the United States and how family life can be affected.

What do you think about when “privacy” is brought up in a discussion?  Do expressions like “snooping”, “confidential”, “wiretapping” make you a bit concerned about your use of computer technology, especially in social media?   Level 5 students talk about these important issues in their lives.

PC TECH: English Language School in New York City

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