
City, Suburb, Countryside August 9, 2013

Where is your favorite place to live: city, suburb, countryside?  Here are a couple of thoughts from student writers:

            Myriam:   I live in a city and I like that!

I think that living in a city is more exciting and interesting because there are a lot of things to do like shopping, eating in a good restaurant, having fun with family and friends, and of course meeting interesting people who come from everywhere in the world. In addition I think in most cities there is a sense of community.  Everybody knows their neighbors.  You can help them; they can help you.  It’s like a big family!

But there are also some disadvantages to living in a big city.  Life is more expensive.  The city is noisy.  But it is not a problem if you love your city.

For my part, I love my city: Lyon [France].

I think it is a great place for a [vacation].

Yuki:  I like to live in a city because in the city there is a lot of fun and cool places.  I always [like] exciting things; that’s why I prefer to live [there].

In the city there are a lot of fun people.  I love to talk with [people from other countries].  However, if I live in the country or suburbs, I can’t see [that many] interesting people. The city is always presenting new stuff, movies, clothes.  I like that and I need it.

[On the other hand], sometimes I want to live in the country…in nature.  Sometimes I want to get out of a crowded place.  I need to relax.  Maybe I should buy a vacation house in the country.

 PC TECH: English Language School in New York City


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