
Halloween at PC TECH October 30, 2014

Staff member Tamila writes about Halloween as it is celebrated in the United States:

The season of holidays has officially begun.  And I cannot be happier than I am now. What I love most is the atmosphere before a holiday and the preparation for it.  The next coming “holiday “ that is celebrated and loved by many people, especially children, is Halloween.  It has always been widely celebrated in the United States, and now it is gaining popularity all over the world.

On Halloween night, people wear different costumes, organize masquerade balls and competitions (for example, a contest for the best costume).  The main symbol of the holiday is a scary-looking pumpkin with a burning candle inside (“jack-o-lantern”).  Also, children knock on neighborhood doors and shout “Trick or Treat!”  If you want to protect yourself from these little “demons” and their possible mischief, you should give them sweets.

Here at PCTECH, we eagerly await Halloween every year.  And it is only because we want to show how the holiday is celebrated in the United States, but also to provide great memories and give an unforgettable experience to our students.  We have already decorated the school and made a plan for competitions and prizes.  So come and join us in New York City!  We promise it will be fun!


PC TECH: English Language School in New York City